Social Bet 2.0

The "Social Bet" sponsored by the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung enters its second round. Non-profit organisations are invited to apply until 29 October.


"Bet that your organisation will not manage to collect at least 300 euros in donations within five weeks!" - This is the second time that the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung is challenging non-profit organisations in Upper Franconia to actively promote volunteering during the betting period from 8 November to 10 December 2021. Interested organisations can apply with a submission to the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung by 29 October 2021.

Social Bet 2.0 of the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung pursues financial approach

"We bet that you will not manage to raise at least €300.00 for your project within five weeks."

Due to the difficult financial situation currently faced by many smaller social organisations, the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung intends to spark an initiative with the "Social Bet 2.0" to collect necessary resources such as donations for the implementation of projects with creative ideas. The technical term for all of these activities is "fundraising".

There are numerous ideas on how to successfully raise funds. These include classics such as applying to foundations, participating in competitions or applying for public funds. On a smaller scale, often at the club level, there are activities such as bake sales, flea markets or fundraising runs that are relatively easy and quick to implement. Such activities are known to most of those involved and are carried out regularly - just not under the term fundraising.

The second Social Bet by the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung aims to raise awareness of the idea of "donation matching"/"matching funds" as a fundraising campaign. The principle is simple: every euro donated is matched by a larger donor; in the case of the Social Bet by the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung, up to a certain amount. The doubling of every donated euro makes giving very attractive and is an incentive for many (small) donors to give.

The "Social Bet 2.0" is intended to motivate our betting partners to develop further creative ideas for collecting donations within the framework of the betting phase and the collection actions. The actions are to be documented as a betting record in order to then make them accessible to other committed people on the foundation's channels as an open source of ideas and knowledge. Because we believe that good ideas for social challenges need to be shared so that they can grow.

Application for a betting spot

During the application period from 18 to 29 October 2021, organisations can apply to the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung for a spot in the competition. To do so, please fill out the application form and send it to, addressed to Tina Beeg. The application form must be accompanied by a picture that symbolises the offers/projects of the applicant organisation.

Applications are open to organisations that

  1. are non-profit
  2. are active in Upper Franconia and
  3. strengthen the social and societal participation of their target group with their offers and services (= fulfilment of the foundation's purpose).

A total of 20 betting spots are available, which will be allocated according to the date of receipt of the complete application documents. Provided that the above conditions of participation (1) to (3) are met.

Betting duration

After the end of the application phase, the applicant organisations will be notified whether they have received a betting spot.
During the five-week betting period from 8 November to 10 December, betting partners have time to raise funds for the project or organisation named in the application form.

Betting winnings

The bet is won if the betting partners manage to collect at least €300.00 in donations within the betting period from 8 November to 10 December. The Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung will double the total donations collected during the betting period. The winnings are capped at €1,000.00. The betting partner receives the winnings in the form of a donation. The donations are at the free disposal of the betting partners for their own purposes.

Example scenarios Donation amount:

  1. An organisation collects €567.00 during the betting period. The Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung donates an additional €567.00.
  2. An organisation collects €1,234.00 during the betting period. The Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung donates an additional €1,000.00, as a maximum of €1,000.00 is taken into account for the determination of the winnings.
  3. An organisation collects €123.00 during the betting period. The minimum required amount of €300.00 was not reached. The bet is lost; no donation is made by the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung.

Proof of betting

The proof of betting must be sent to by the end of the betting period on 10 December, but no later than 15 December 2021, using the proof of betting form. The proof of betting includes:

  • an (anonymised) list of the donations collected during the betting period (see document Betting Proof: "Social Bet 2.0")
  • Documentation of the fundraising activity(-ies) undertaken to collect the donations using the document (see form Betting Proof: "Social Bet 2.0")
  • Documentation of the fundraising event(s) with picture/video material (please send together with caption and the completed betting slip).

If the bet is won before the end of the betting period, i.e. the upper limit of €1,000.00 is reached, the proof of betting can also be sent in before the end of the period.

Tip: The campaign can officially continue up until the deadline to collect more donations.

If proof of betting is not provided within the time limit, the bet is lost.

Innovation Award

Among all betting partners and documented fundraising actions, the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung will award a prize for the most innovative fundraising idea. The innovation prize is endowed with an additional €1,000.00.

The prize winner will be selected by the committees of the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung. If none of the ideas submitted is sufficiently impressive, the foundation reserves the right not to award the prize.

Information and application documents for download: