Application for funding for social projects

If you would like to receive funding from the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung for your social project in Upper Franconia, please complete our application for funding and the cost and financing plan. Do not forget to enclose your certificate of exemption and an extract from the register and send all documents together to the address below. You can find out here whether your project is eligible for funding.

Dates of the foundation meetings for applications

Decisions on applications for funding of up to € 10,000.00 are made on an ongoing basis at
. These applications can be submitted without consideration of application deadlines. Due to a high number of requests, processing times may be longer at present. We ask for your understanding that this may lead to a delay in the decision-making process.

We decide on funding applications with a requested funding amount of more than € 10,000.00 in our foundation meetings. Please send us your application by the deadline:

‍Submissionby the meeting on

  17.03.2025 28.04.2025
16.06.2025 28.07.2025
27.10.2025 01.12.2025

We only accept applications in digital form by e-mail.

You are welcome to contact us at any time by phone or email with your project idea in advance. Please send your completed application for funding directly to our foundation officers for the social sector:

Miriam Lindner

When applying for funding, please also be sure to read our information on data protection.

Do you have questions about the application process?

Miriam Lindner

Please feel free to contact me.