Research funding in the field of food research
Our founder, Adalbert Raps, was an entrepreneur and a pioneer in food research: His numerous, forward-looking ideas and process engineering achievements made RAPS GmbH & Co. KG to become a globally active company. For this reason, food research with direct application benefits is particularly close to our hearts.
We are looking for people from all over the world with solid ideas who are passionate about science and at the same time care about ensuring that research results have an impact: in the form of innovative food ingredients and products or by paving the way for a responsible and sustainable food industry.
The Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung offers funding for non-profit research institutions according to its guideline for funding applications. If your project idea is not directly eligible for funding, we still encourage you to contact us. We look forward to tapping into the potential of our diverse network and working with entrepreneurial scientists or scientifically motivated entrepreneurs to consider how we can work together to change the food system for the better.
Commitment of Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung in favour of food research
As a pharmacist and entrepreneur, it was Adalbert Raps' concern not only to conduct research activities himself, but also to sponsor them. Gain a little insight into the project funding of food research by the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung here:

Rapid extraction of essential oils from freshly harvested plant material
A research project of the Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen Lippe, Institute for Life Science Technologies.NRW, AG Verfahrenstechnik
Increasing the efficiency of algae cultivation processes and recovering valuable materials for the food industry
A research project of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Life Sciences
Impact of climate change on pepper cultivation - A global suitability analysis
A research project of the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Digital workshop series: Sustainability in the supply chains of spices and other plant-based raw materials
A project of the ZNU - Center for Sustainable Leadership at Witten/Herdecke University
Use of side streams from algae and cyanobacteria production as a culture medium for Basidiomycota for the production of natural aroma components and mycelia
A research project of the Justus Liebig University Giessen, Institute for Food Chemistry and Biotechnology
An analysis of the regulatory environment of precision fermentation dairy products.
A research project of the Chair of Food Law and the Research Unit for German and European Food Law of the University of Bayreuth
Comparative protein determination in insects
A research project at the University of Bayreuth, Campus Kulmbach; Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition and Health; Chair of Nutritional Biochemistry

Sustainability clustering of spices
Study by the Center for Sustainable Management (ZNU) on the key sustainability challenges of spices.

Development of a natural plant-based preservative for delicatessen products
Master's thesis at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Faculty V - Life Sciences and Technology

Analysis of the regulatory environment applicable to products obtained from mushrooms and fungal mycelium
A research project at the University of Bayreuth, Campus Kulmbach; Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition an Health; Chair of Food Law

Hot Spot Guide Spices
Study by the Centre for Sustainable Enterprise Management (ZNU) on the sustainability challenges of spices and herbs along the value chain.

Microencapsulation of omega-3 rich oils with the PGSS process
Research project of the Chair of Solids Process Engineering of the Ruhr University Bochum and the Faculty of Bioengineering of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences

Extraction of antimicrobial peptides from plants for the preservation of foodstuffs
A research project of the Chair of Food Chemistry at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Analysis of the relationship between air cavities and Weissella viridescens in meat products and possibilities for air cavity elimination
A research project at the University of Brno, Institute of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences

"Veggie 2.0": Research project on meat substitutes
Master's student in food technology examines the nutritional values of current meat substitutes.
Identification of enterotoxin-producing Bacillus cereus strains by MALDI-TOF MS
A research project in cooperation with the Chair of Food Safety at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the LMU Munich

Alternative protein sources for the production of meat substitutes
Scientists at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg provide an overview of current developments.