Social Bet 2.0

With this unique approach to betting, the "social bet" of the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung goes into its second round. The application phase runs until 29 October 2021.


"Bet that your organisation will not manage to collect at least 300 euros in donations within five weeks!" - With this bet, Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung is challenging non-profit organisations in Upper Franconia to actively promote volunteering for the second time in the betting period from 8 November to 10 December 2021. Unlike last year's bet, which focused on recruiting new volunteers, this time the foundation is taking a purely financial approach. The reason lies in the particularly low-threshold support given to organisations that are still suffering from the effects of the pandemic. In this spirit, the participating organisations can also expect an attractive wager in round two of the "social bet": because if the bet is won with at least 300 euros in donations, the Foundation will double the collected proceeds! The winnings are capped at 1,000 euros, whereby special commitment pays off. For example, the most innovative fundraising campaign will receive a bonus of 1,000 euros on top! Non-profit organisations based in Upper Franconia can participate. A total of 20 betting places are available, the allocation will take place after receipt of the expression of interest.

"Social bet 2.0" to strengthen civic engagement

In support of Radeln ohne Alter Deutschland e.V., Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung launched the funding call "Rickshaws in Upper Franconia" in mid-July 2021. Supporting civic engagement and thus strengthening social participation in Upper Franconia is a top priority for Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung . After last year's successful betting call, this year's "social bet" now also makes this clear: The foundation bets that organisations will not manage to win at least 300 euros in donations within a period of five weeks. Although the betting call this year follows a purely financial approach and does not focus on the profit of volunteers as in the last betting round, the Foundation remains true to its betting concept! Despite the change in the object of the bet, the "social bet 2.0" also follows the gamification approach and thus increases the ambition of the participating organisations. In addition, there is once again an attractive betting prize: if the bet is won with the collection of at least 300 euros in donations, the foundation will double this amount up to a maximum of 1,000 euros. A bonus of 1,000 euros will also be awarded to the organisation that was able to generate its donations with the most innovative fundraising idea. "Due to the great response last time, there was no question for us that we would launch the call for the 'social bet' a second time," says Tina Beeg, Foundation Officer Social Affairs. "But since we know that it is especially the financial means that organisations lack, especially in times of the pandemic, we decided on this rather unusual but also very low-threshold bet call." The bet is available to the organisation for free use in accordance with its purposes.

Become a betting partner and profit - This is how it works:

During the 12-day period from 18 to 29 October 2021, non-profit organisations can apply as betting partners at, contact person Tina Beeg, at Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung for a place in the competition. The prerequisite for this is that the sphere of activity of the respective organisation is in Upper Franconia and that they strengthen the social and societal participation of their target group with their offers and services. The application form must be completed with a profile of the organisation and its commitment. The actual betting period of five weeks starts on 08.11. and lasts until 10.12.2021. The decisive factor for determining the winner is the amount of donations received by each organisation. For the award of the additional prize of 1,000 euros, the fundraising approach behind it will also be assessed according to the innovation criterion. As proof of the bet, the participating organisations must submit an anonymised list of the funds received during the betting period within one week after the end of the betting period. In addition, they are asked to submit picture/video material to document the fundraising campaign.