Finished: Becoming a rickshaw station in Upper Franconia!

Call for proposals: "Rickshaws for Upper Franconia", from the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung, encourages social participation. Apply now until 31 August 2021!


With its current funding call "Rickshaws for Upper Franconia", the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung is pursuing the goal of strengthening social participation in Upper Franconia through a mobility service. The concept behind the "Rickshaws for Upper Franconia" is very simple: (volunteer) drivers will take people with limited mobility on excursions to nearby areas, thus improving their quality of life.

Simple idea, big social impact

Within the framework of the funding call, interested organisations can apply to the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung for a funding partnership for a rickshaw. Your organisation receives a rickshaw for free use and in return is responsible for the organisation and use of the rickshaw for people with reduced mobility. You can read below what the funding partnership actually entails and what we expect from you in return.

As easy as it is to start a rickshaw stand, the social impact is huge:

Active social and societal participation

People with limited mobility can no longer actively participate in social life under their own steam. With the rickshaw, a possibility is created to reach places in the close vicinity again and to be in exchange with other people and the environment. (Freedom of movement and social participation go hand in hand. The passengers experience themselves as part of the community again and in turn they become more visible to society.

More quality of life

The feeling of actively experiencing life, the creation of shared memories, the exchange of life stories, the moments of happiness shared by pilots and passengers and the actively shaped everyday life increase the quality of life of the passengers. The rickshaw rides are enriching - for everyone involved.

Improved health well-being

The rickshaw tours counteract loneliness and the feeling of being excluded. They offer freedom, participation and closeness. This has positive effects on the state of health, especially for people with physical, mental or cognitive limitations. The rickshaw rides are good for body and mind and especially for the soul.

What do we offer?

There is currently a campaign to encourage the use of rickshaws in Upper Franconia. Therefore, the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung is looking for organisations that would like to give people with limited mobility a better quality of life by providing rickshaw transportation. The organisations selected from the applications will receive:

  • Financing the acquisition costs of the rickshaw
  • Information on necessary insurance cover, overview of current costs
  • Qualification of captains and provision of training materials, templates, checklists, etc. for the training of further pilots.
  • Network "Rickshaws in Upper Franconia" (platform for exchange of experience)
  • Workshops on "Attracting and retaining new volunteers" and "Fundraising" for the tasks of acquiring volunteers and covering running costs such as insurance, regular maintenance, repairs
  • Support in the development of a utilisation concept
  • Support in the development of a concept for the acquisition of volunteers
  • Project coordination and permanent contact person for all questions related to the campaign
  • Example of a hygiene concept

What do we expect?

Prerequisites for the application are:

  • Fixed contact person(s) for the implementation (training of the volunteers, contact person(s) for the foundation and our cooperation partners for the handling of the funding partnership).
  • Provision of a secure parking space
  • Willingness to implement the project in the long term
  • Willingness to participate in the workshops
  • Readiness for public relations work
  • Willingness to evaluate (organisation and implementation is the responsibility of the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung)

As part of the funding partnership:

  • Development of a suitable financing of the running costs of the rickshaw (insurance, regular maintenance, repair costs if necessary) through e.g. own funds or a suitable fundraising concept.
  • Development of a utilisation concept
  • Development of a concept for the acquisition of pilots
  • Clarification of insurance cover

Note: A funding and utilisation concept as well as a concept for the acquisition and management of volunteers will be developed together with the selected funding partners in workshops. It is helpful if ideas for financing, use and volunteer management are already available before the funding partnership, but a final concept does not have to be available with the application.

Who can apply?

Applications are open to social and non-profit organisations from the Upper Franconia region that want to give people with limited mobility (mobility) freedom, joy of life and quality of life. These could be, for example:

  • Senior and care facilities
  • Facilities for people with disabilities
  • Charities
  • District/family centres or multi-generation houses
  • Senior citizens' offices, senior citizens' meetings
  • Religious communities
  • Associations
  • Cities, communities, municipalities

Applications are also welcome from communities of interest/private individuals who would like to operate a rickshaw and are prepared to found a new association for this purpose or to dock onto existing associations/organisations.

How can one apply and how does the application and selection process work?

To apply, you need to fill out the application form. Here we ask for information about your organisation and the existing conditions. The project team will then contact you to clarify any open questions in a personal meeting and to get to know you. We will select one suitable location per Upper Franconian district and independent city (note: districts and their independent cities will be evaluated individually). In total, a maximum of 13 Upper Franconian rickshaw locations can be funded.

Please send the completed application form to Do you have any questions or need help? Then please contact Tina Beeg or Christiane Bamberger.

What is the timeline?

Application period: The call for proposals is valid from 20 July 2021. Applications will be accepted until 31 August 2021.

Selection phase: From 1 to 15 September 2021, all applications received during the application phase will be checked for compliance with the conditions of participation, telephone calls will be made to suitable applicants and finally the 13 rickshaw sites will be selected by the project team.

Start phase: The funding partnership will start in mid-September 2021. Selected rickshaw sites will be notified and a kick-off event will follow for all Upper Franconian rickshaw sites to network and clarify the further procedure.

Stabilisation and development phase: The stabilisation and development of the new rickshaw locations will start in October 2021. In this phase, the captain trainings, workshops on the topics "fundraising" and "recruiting new volunteers" as well as the development of a concept for volunteer management and a utilisation concept will take place.

Rickshaws for Upper Franconia Call for proposals Timeline

Information and application documents for download:

Rickshaws for Upper Franconia: Senior citizen feeds duck
Senior citizens' rickshaw, ©Diakonisches Werk Bamberg-Forchheim e.V.
Rickshaws for Upper Franconia Senior citizen eats ice cream
Senior citizens' rickshaw, ©Diakonisches Werk Bamberg-Forchheim e.V.