Future Online Social School Project (FOSSP)
FOS pupils help people with disabilities and children get used to working with PCs
A special challenge!
Informing, communicating, learning and working with computers, the internet and social media: With the Future Online Social School Project (FOSSP), eleventh graders in the social track at the Adalbert-Raps Fachoberschule (FOS) Kulmbach make it their task to train and support people with disabilities and children in the use of new media. Since 1998, the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung has supported the initiative project for more social cohesion, social integration and inclusion.
"Learning with our heads, hearts and hands" - this is the motto of the project in which FOS students of the 11th grade of social work support people with disabilities, children at the UNESCO kindergarten Paul Gerhardt in Kulmbach and students at the Kulmbach special needs centre in using computers. The Future Online Social School Project is open to employees from six Upper Franconian workshops for people with disabilities. As part of their practical social work training, the FOS students help with social integration through the concept by teaching computer skills.
Passing on computer knowledge
The FOS has a computer room and twelve laptops for external use for the project. This means that the computer protégés can also be supervised at home. On Fridays, training sessions are held for the eleventh graders. This involves spreadsheets, word processing, PowerPoint presentations and creating brochures. The aim is for the pupils to be able to work routinely with these programmes. They pass on what they have learned and teach people with disabilities, for example, how to create presentations or practise writing on the computer, thus helping them practice for office work in companies.
The FOS students are also interested in working with the children at the special needs centre and the Paul Gerhardt kindergarten. It is particularly important to them that the children learn how to use computers at an early age and learn the basics through play.
The mission of the Future Online Social School Project goes hand in hand with our foundation's purpose: learning from each other, strengthening society, promoting cohesion and advancing social interaction in and around Kulmbach.