Blue Bread - The new docupodcast about our food system
On February 5, 2025, "Blue Bread" went online, a documentary podcast that puts the German food system to the test in 20 episodes.

BlueBread - The new docupodcast about our food system
On February 5, 2025, "Blue Bread" went online, a documentary podcast that puts the German food system to the test in 20 episodes. The audio format is an acoustic expedition into the world of farmland, research laboratories and supermarket shelves - always in search of answers to pressing questions about the future.
Kulmbach,January 31, 2025
How do we reconcile traditional craftsmanship and high-tech agricultural production? What political guidelines are needed to ensure that sustainable models do not just remain niche products? Is bigger really more sustainable? And what role does each individual play in the "food of the future"? These and many other key questions about our food system are raised in the new docupodcast "BlauesBrot", an initiative of the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung from Kulmbach and the Nutrition Cluster at the Competence Center for Nutrition (KErn). With Marina Schmidt from R2G MEDIA, both partners have brought an experienced producer on board who has already proven in previous formats that even complex topics can be presented in an entertaining way.
Over a total of 13 hours, presenter Marina Schmidt talks to farmers, researchers, industry professionals and political decision-makers. Together, they shed light on obstacles and progress, discuss innovations in the field of sustainable technologies and ask what role consumers play in the transformation. "Our food system needs to be rethought - not just by politics and business, but by all of us," says Frank Kühne, Chairman of the Board of the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung. "Blue Bread" brings together the relevant players in the value chain and shows where concrete levers for change lie. "In order to make a difference in the long term, we need to bring science, business and practice into an honest discourse, and that is exactly what we are doing with 'Blue Bread'," adds Dr. Armin Vikari, Managing Director of the Food Cluster.
Humor, depth and a pinch of the future
The interviews in the new docupodcast often go into depth, whether with a pond farmer, a professor of soil science or managers from the food retail sector. The aim is to take a multifaceted look at everything from local initiatives to global challenges such as climate change and the shortage of skilled workers. Although the topics are quite serious, presenter Marina Schmidt focuses on an entertaining, accessible way of communicating. A mix of scientific expertise, lively practical reports and a dash of irony should make you want to listen more closely. "Anyone interested in agriculture and nutritional science will find a wealth of specialist knowledge in 'Blue Bread'," explains Frank Kühne. "And anyone looking for concrete changes on supermarket shelves will find out what adjustments the industry and legislators are currently making and what this means for each individual."
Blue salons at the Heinersreuther Hof
In addition to the podcast, so-called "Blue Salons" will take place at the Heinersreuther Hof, an event location of the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung in the Kulmbach district. In curated discussion rounds, the content from the podcast will be explored in greater depth and solutions outlined together. "We want to lower the inhibition thresholds for a critical and constructive exchange and at the same time show that each of us can be part of the solution," says Kühne. The results of the "Blue Salons" are intended to provide suggestions for industry-wide changes and political impetus.
"BlauesBrot" was launched on February 5, 2025 and is published every two weeks on all common podcast platforms and at Here, interested parties can also find further information on the project, the "Blue Salons", the Adalbert-Raps-Stiftung and the Nutrition Cluster.