KULINARIX ...eats and is healthy.
Our initiative to promote nutrition in Upper Franconian day-care centres.
KULINARIX is our program aimed at daycare centers throughout Upper Franconia to actively improve the nutritional situation and health awareness of children from the start of nursery school to the end of kindergarten. Nutrition experts determine the individual needs of the participating facilities in order to then carry out projects continuously over a period of at least 2 years. These can be, for example, parent-child cooking courses, lectures, staff training, training for caterers, but also many joint activities with the children on the subject of eating and drinking. Our aim is to teach children the basics of a healthy and happy lifestyle through play.
With our approach, which is individually tailored to the needs of each day-care centre, we have so far repeatedly met with beaming parents, caterers and day-care centre staff who are bubbling over with ideas. So far, we have had small facilities from parent initiatives with only 15 children to large facilities with up to 160 children.
"We are currently reaching a total of around 1,000 children and their families in the Kulmbach, Bayreuth, Lichtenfels and Bamberg regions. The daycare centers are run by the Protestant and Catholic churches, AWO and Caritas as well as parents' initiatives," says Alisa Stretz, contact person at our project partner, the Platform for Nutrition and Physical Activity (peb) .
Individual concepts
It is evident that the focus on nutrition that we have set is manifold: "It is particularly important to us that we do not impose a rigid concept on the participating day-care centres, but rather provide support and impulses at precisely those points where the respective day-care centre partners see a need," explains Yola Klingel, managing director. The action plans developed together with the day-care centres include a wide variety of content: From staff training for the educational and technical staff to father-child cooking courses, sugar exhibitions, workshops for parents and/or children, bread box consultations, updates of the day-care centre concepts, round tables with the food providers, dealing with eating types, optimising the menus, the introduction of a common breakfast, the design of standards for meals, the increase of children's participation, the optimisation of the eating situation, nutritional education campaigns, offers for the improvement of staff health up to sensory and enjoyment training, everything is included and there are no limits to the imagination. The feedback from the participating institutions: This is how to make health promotion both fun and tasty!
More day-care centres welcome!
All day-care centres in Upper Franconia that see a need for optimisation in the areas of food, catering, nutrition education, participation, parental work and meal design are invited to contact the foundation team.
Detailed information on the program can be found at our project partner, the Platform for Nutrition and Physical Activity (peb) .