Book of the month September - Intercultural and historical cuisine in one book
Just in time for Intercultural Week: "The Best from Around the World" by Stefanie Mathias

Under the heading "Book of the Month", we present one of the approximately 12,000 books in the Adalbert Raps Spice Library every month. In 2022, the selection will be made to match the respective months, and everything from specialist books to old memorabilia to curiosities will be on offer - so it's worth taking a look!
Intercultural Week takes place every year in September - this year starting on September 25. The book of the month for September combines the intercultural with the historical aspect of the Adalbert Raps Library. "The Best of the World" was published in 1935 in a second unchanged edition and is thus also a historical review. The book deals first and foremost with soups, including basics such as clarifying and binding. Recipes range from well-known Russian soups such as borsch or shchi, to soups that are no longer quite so topical, such as cherry bouillion, sorrel soup or the fine, bruised brain soup.
The other chapters are structured in a similar way and range from egg dishes, salads and vegetables to ragouts as well as fish dishes.
At the beginning of the book, however, the author states that she is not a cook at all and that she would rather like to make her experiences available to young housewives with the book - but that she has also collected so many recipes that they would exceed the scope of the book, which is why the epilogue announces the follow-up work "Aprés Souper", published in 1932 by the same publishing house, on the categories of baking, creams, frozen foods, cheese dishes or also sulzen. Interested parties should therefore not lack recipe ideas.
Book: The Best of the World | Stefanie Mathias | 1935 | Fiba-Verlag, Vienna | ISBN: -