Book of the month October - The highlight of the pumpkin season
From basics of processing and handling to delicious dishes: "Pumpkin: The best recipes" by Karin Messerli.

Under the heading "Book of the Month", we present one of the approximately 12,000 books in the Adalbert Raps Spice Library every month. In 2022, the selection will be made to match the respective months, and everything from specialist books to old memorabilia to curiosities will be on offer - so it's worth taking a look!
Carved pumpkins for Halloween have long ceased to be an unknown phenomenon in Germany, and that's not the only reason why October can be called the peak of the pumpkin season. If the harvest season already begins in late summer at the end of August, the mostly orange vegetable has high season in October. Appropriate to this is also the book of the month October "Pumpkin: The best recipes", which was published in 1998.
While at the beginning of the book is immersed in the commodity knowledge and thus different types of pumpkin are introduced, follow in the entertaining part of the pumpkin practice the basics of processing and handling. Subsequently, the author presents basic recipes and then all sorts of recipes, some from around the world. - The book is therefore suitable for all for all pumpkin fans and is still current reference work.
At the beginning of the book, for example, it is noted what a trendy vegetable the pumpkin was at the end of the 90s, and trendy recipes such as hummus with pumpkin or a spicy pumpkin relish are taken up - not entirely unfamiliar to us in 2022 thanks to social media...
Book: Pumpkin: The best recipes | Karin Messerli | 1998 | AT Verlag, Aarau | ISBN: 3-85502-643-2