Book of the Month May - Breakfast Ideas for Mother's Day
For a tasty start to Mother's Day: "Delicious egg dishes" by Edith Hundhausen

Under the heading "Book of the Month", we present one of the approximately 12,000 books in the Adalbert Raps Spice Library every month. In 2022, the selection will be made to match the respective months, and everything from specialist books to old memorabilia to curiosities will be on offer - so it's worth taking a look!
The book of the month for May is perfect for giving the most important women in our lives a treat in the morning - with a delicious breakfast on Mother's Day. The cookbook "Leckere Eiergerichte" (Delicious Egg Dishes) devotes around 239 pages to the basic ingredient egg and dates back to the 1980s - you would probably be hard pressed to find a book like this nowadays.
The book is organised according to the type of food, so everything from breakfast, such as a herb scrambled egg, to sauces, such as Béarnaise sauce, to eggs in remoulade sauce for dinner, is on offer.
The title of the book may also be a little deceptive, as not only dishes with egg as an almost sole ingredient are presented here, but also, for example, pastries such as sponge rolls and cakes or even orange slices. All in all, the book is suitable for all those interested in the art of cooking and baking from the 80s and not only for Mother's Day... because one should show gratitude to one's mother all year round anyway!
Book: Delicious egg dishes | Edith Hundhausen | 1983 | Lingen Verlag, Cologne | ISBN: -