Book of the Month June - The Power of Elderberry
"Naturally healthy with elderberry: blossoms, leaves and berries against everyday ailments" by Dr. med. Hanspeter Hemgesberg

Under the heading "Book of the Month", we present one of the approximately 12,000 books in the Adalbert Raps Spice Library every month. In 2022, the selection will be made to match the respective months, and everything from specialist books to old memorabilia to curiosities will be on offer - so it's worth taking a look!
Hardly any plant blossom heralds the beginning of summer as impressively as that of the elderberry - which begins to open its buds from the end of May to the beginning of July, depending on its location. The book of the month March "Naturally healthy with elderberry: blossoms, leaves and berries against everyday ailments" is all about the health effects of the plant, which however should not be read uncritically.
In the first part of the book, the history and botany of elderberry is presented. Subsequently, the use of the plant in so-called holistic medicine is described and the ingredients are discussed. Finally, practical recipes for tea mixtures, soups and cosmetics are presented.
The passages on health-related and healing statements can also serve as an occasion for a critical examination of the work and the study of the philosophy of science - because some concepts mentioned in the book, such as purification, are at best a myth according to the state of evidence-based medicine today - although this is not to question the health effects of elderberry and the benefits of a fully comprehensive view of human health!
Book: Natürlich gesund mit Holunder: Blüten, Blätter und Bereren gegen Alltagsbeschwerden | Dr. med. Hanspeter Hemgesberg | 2001 | Midena Verlag, Munich | ISBN: 3-310-00755-3